How Biffa keeps 250 locations up to date with Mirador Local

Learn how Biffa uses Mirador Local to handle opening hours for 250 locations countrywide.


Biffa and Mirador Local

Who are Biffa?

Biffa is a leading UK integrated waste management company that operates across 196 locations. Managing such an extensive network efficiently, particularly in maintaining consistent and accurate information across all Google Business Profiles, is a significant challenge. To address this, Biffa turned to Mirador Local — a digital tool designed to streamline local business profile management.

The challenge

Biffa faced considerable difficulties in managing its Google business profiles. With 196 locations, ensuring each profile contained up-to-date and accurate information, such as operating hours, addresses, contact details, and customer reviews, was a daunting task. Discrepancies and outdated information could lead to customer confusion, missed business opportunities, and a damaged brand image.

Paul Hesketh, Digital Marketing Manager at Biffa said:

“Before using Mirador, managing our online presence on Google Business Profile was a real challenge. Keeping track of hundreds of locations, updating information, and responding to reviews/questions was a time-consuming job."

Biffa needed a solution to centralise and simplify the management of all these profiles.

The solution

It became clear that Mirador Local was the ideal solution for Biffa’s needs. Our platform offers a centralised dashboard for managing multiple Google business profiles seamlessly. Key features include:

  • Centralised Control: A single interface to update information across all locations, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
  • Automated updates: Automatic syncing of changes across all profiles, reducing the manual workload.
  • Review management: Tools to monitor and respond to customer reviews efficiently, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Performance analytics: Insights and analytics to track the performance of each location, helping to identify areas for improvement.
“What I like about the platform is it saves time. The platform allows us to manage all our listings from a single, user-friendly dashboard. Updating information across multiple sites takes minutes instead of hours. Improves accuracy: Mirador ensures our business details are accurate and consistent across the web, which is crucial for our SEO and customer trust."


The implementation of Mirador was smooth and efficient. Biffa integrated Mirador into their operations without disrupting daily activities. The user-friendly interface required minimal training, allowing the team to quickly adapt to the new system. Data from existing profiles were migrated seamlessly, ensuring continuity and immediate improvement in profile management.


The results of implementing Mirador were immediately evident. Biffa experienced a significant reduction in the time and effort required to manage their Google business profiles. Key outcomes included:

  • Enhanced accuracy: Consistent and up-to-date information across all 196 locations, leading to improved customer trust and satisfaction.
  • Increased efficiency: Streamlined processes and reduced administrative overhead, allowing the team to focus on core business activities.
  • Improved customer engagement: Faster and more effective responses to customer reviews, fostering better relationships and a stronger brand reputation.
  • Actionable insights: Improved visibility into the performance of each location, enabling data-driven decision-making to boost business growth.

By leveraging Mirador, Biffa successfully overcame the challenges of managing multiple locations. The partnership with Mirador not only simplified the profile management process but also contributed to better customer experiences and business outcomes.

As a result, Biffa stands out as a prime example of how digital tools can revolutionise operational efficiency and customer engagement in a large, multi-location business.